
Sunday, April 24, 2005

should I do IVF if I don't trust my RE?

Obsession of this weekend. In January we finally decided to go forward with IVF. We found the money and decided to bite the bullet. Then I was told I needed another exam, the saline version of they hysterosalpingiogram. I have been going to this RE for over a year so I was surprised she'd never mentioned it at any of our previous meetings discussing IVF. I actually only found out because I went to IVF orientation for the free cookies.

Saline exam in Jan - two small polyps. RE says surgery is a must before IVF. They can't book me until end of March. (tick tock clock). Many weeks on BCP and general anesthesia and several days lost. She couldn't get through my cervix to do the surgery! Now this is after 7 IUIs and many, many exams. Part of my IUI ritual had become the nurse gaily waving the very bent catheter with glee to show me just how crooked my cervix was. So my RE can't go through with the surgery because.... drumroll... my cervix is crooked, very crooked. But we all knew this!

Another saline exam this week. Polyp still there. Hello little polyp. My RE doesn't show up (is she hiding from me?) and I talk to a different doctor who says 1. this polyp not so bad, top of uterus, maybe IVF ok AND 2. crooked cervix, no problem, different surgery protocol to whisk away the polyp. So then she asks me if I want to wait several months for another surgery or go forward with IVF.

Aren't they supposed to be informing me? I'm enraged. I have no idea what to do and I don't trust the lot of them. I am crooked cervix girl - I have a reputation with those nasty bent catheters - did my RE forget? Is she not reading my files? Is the whole clinic just making shit up so I won't give up and they can keep my $$? Why are they wasting my time, my money, my goodwill and abusing my poor nether regions like that?

any advice?


At 6:55 PM, Blogger zarqa said...

That sounds so familiar! One RE saying "no problem" another saying "hm, we should have really checked this out before". It's the most frustrating thing in the world. And I blow steam, become frothing-at-the-mouth livid, whenever I hear the words "now, we did this test on you already, didn't we?" Read the fucking chart!

The idea of "team medicine" looks good on paper but I often pine for the days when you had one doctor who knew you inside and out (were there such days?) Getting another opinion is problematic too when you're going to supposedly the best clinic in the area.

The thing I've had to learn to do and what may help you too is to ask questions over and over again, repeatedly hammering it into their heads the issues that are important for you to know about. Don't wait for them to volunteer information.


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