some random thoughts at 6 weeks to go - all advice welcome!
I find myself stuck in a kind of birthing (and eventually parenting) limbo. I grew up in a very hippie-dippy household (no sugar, no white flour, no tv), my brother and I were both born at home in pretty primitive settings but it was more chance and finance than any dogmatism on my mother's part.
I am a feminist and I only got pregnant with much high-tech intervention.
So what's a modern environmentalist feminist transplanted west to east coaster only pregnant due to weird hormones and poking and prodding to do? I haven't found any birthing classes that appeal to me - they're either entirely drug and doctor oriented or verging on earthmama nonsense. I read Bradley's book and he lost me when he suggested that it would be best for women to wander around in long skirts with no underwear. Pants = evil modern garment causing all sorts of infections. Funny, the only time I got a yeast infection was when I was wearing little underwear at all but boffing a super-hot French ski instructor.
So I eat all organic, make my own bread, have a garden and didn't own a car for many, many years. But I find vegans irrational (cars kill more animate life forms than eating bread or honey does), I don't believe my unborn baby is psychically communicating with me and I don't think animals are at all human but I do believe they should never have to suffer. I do teach yoga and have practiced it for many years and I do believe in the power of meditation, etc. I have found a very conservative (politically) old-fashioned dentist who can do pretty much all things without novocaine but he sure isn't new age. I want the birthing equivalent!
And it seems as though the choices are only just beginning! My compromise is childbirth in a nice hospital birthing center but with midwives. If I can't stand the pain I'll opt for an epidural but it would be nice to avoid the drugs just because I don't like anesthesia or how it makes me feel afterwards.
So here are some of the dilemmas I face:
- cloth diapers. I would much prefer for the baby's sake but no diaper service in this part of the world so I'd have to do it all myself. Is this at all feasible?
- co-sleeping makes total sense but it would be nice if it weren't ALL the time.
- breastfeeding is definitely what I would like to do and I have the luxury of time but I know from reading blogs that things don't always go smoothly on that front.
- when I do go back to work is there child care that is professional and nice but doesn't have tv? I don't have one and I hate how it makes kids zombies.
- do children really need organic cotton clothes?
etc. etc. etc.!!
And I still haven't really found a birthing class.